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Dr. Olin G. Johnson

Department of Computer Science
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-3475

Phone: (713) 743 3343 Fax: (713) 743 3335

Professional Interests

Dr. Johnson's technical area of interest for the past forty years has been and is high performance computing. His work covers a large range of the high performance computing area: from OS microkernels, parallel file systems, and code optimization, to simultaneous computational-visual animation, to classical numerical analysis, to application oriented studies. His published research involves design of parallel file systems, operating system components, and monitoring/instrumentation of high performance applications. For many years, he has worked with the geophysical research community on implementing advanced seismic applications on high performance machines including systems aspects of I/O, algorithm design and analysis, and ground-truth verification of computational models.

Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics:
Thesis: Convergence, Error Bounds and Sensitivity of Several Piecewise Cubic Rayleigh-Ritz Methods for Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problems
Advisor: Beresford Parlett
University of California, Berkeley, CA, June 1968.
M.A. in Mathematics:
University of California, Berkeley, CA, June 1966.
M.S. in Mathematics:
Southern Methodist University, June 1960.
B.S. in Mathematics:
Southern Methodist University, June 1957.

June 60 - Aug. 64: Systems Engineer, IBM, Dallas, TX.
Sept. 64 - June 68: IBM Resident Graduate Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
June. 68 - Oct. 70: Member Technical Staff, IBM Science Center, Houston, TX.
Oct. 70 - June 73: Executive Vice President, IMSL, Inc., Houston, TX.
Oct. 70 - June 71: Lecturer, Mathematical Sciences, Rice University, Houston, TX.
June 73 - May 79 Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
Sept. 74 - May 75 Acting Chair, Computer Science, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
Sept. 75 - May 79 Chair, Computer Science, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
June 79 - Aug. 80 Distinguished Faculty Visitor, IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY.
Sept. 80 - Dec. 85 Director, Research Computation Laboratory, Allied Geophysical Laboratories, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
Jan. 86 - Sept. 88 Director, HARC Supercomputer Center, Houston Advanced Research Center, Woodlands, TX.
Sept. 83 - present Professor, Computer Science, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
Sept. 96 - May 98 Associate Chair, Computer Science, University of Houston, Houston, TX.


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Dr. Olin G. Johnson
Thu Sep 16 13:58:39 CDT 1999