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Welcome to the course website for COSC 4335 - Data Mining

Our Course Model

We have developed a data mining course model that is based on: (a) real-world projects, (b) course refinement through the Index of Learning Styles survey, and (c) interaction through the medium of a hypertextbook.

Papers describing the model are listed below:
(papers 2-3 below are available in ACM Digital Library, the hypertextbook is available under the resources button on the right, student project presentations are under the notes button on the right)

1. P.Chen, I. Chen, R. Verma, A. Tran. An Undergraduate Data Mining Course Integrated with Research and Industry Projects, ACM SIGCSE 2010, March 2010 (poster).

2. P. Chen, I. Chen, R. Verma. Improving an Undergraduate Data Mining Course With Real-world Projects, 21st Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Conf. (CCSC), Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Vol. 25 , Issue 4, pp. 62-67, April 2010. Link to ACM page

3. P. Chen, I. Chen, R. Verma. Designing an Undergraduate Data Mining Course by Matching Teaching Strategies with Student Learning Styles, 22nd Annual Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges (CCSC), April 2011. Link to ACM page

4. R. Verma and P. Chen. A Data Mining Hypertextbook: Design, Implementation and Experience, 22nd Annual Consortium for Computing Science in Colleges (CCSC), Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Vol. 27, Issue 3, January 2012. Download paper here (pdf)


To provide computer science students with a broad understanding of various data mining techniques, algorithms, and applications.



Partially funded by the NSF Grant, #0737404. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.