I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Houston. I am leading the Data Visualization and Modeling (DaViM) Lab at the University of Houston.
- Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Oregon State University in 2009. Advisor: Prof. Eugene Zhang
- M.E. degree in Control Theory and Engineering/Computer Application from Guangxi University, China in 2002. Advisor: professor Taoshen Li
- B.E. degree in Information and Communication Engineering in 1999 from Xi'an Jiaotong University.
- 2018-present: Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Houston
- 2012-2018: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Houston
- 2009-2012: Postdoctoral researcher, Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute, University of Utah
- 2002-2004: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Guangxi University, China
- Data visualization, especially scientific data visualization
- Topology-based methods
- Geometric modeling and geometry processing
- Physically-based simulations
- Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, "“Extract and Characterize Hairpin Vortices in Turbulent Flows," IEEE Visualization 2023
- Honorable Mention Short Paper Award, "Graph-assisted Visualization of Microvascular Networks," IEEE Visualization 2019
- Honorable Mention Poster Award, "Correlation Study of Attributes for Unsteady Flow," IEEE Visualization 2017
- Best Paper Award, "Critical Point Cancellation in 3D Vector Fields: Robustness and Discussion," IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2016
- Junior Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, College of Natural Science and Mathematics, UH, 2016
- Best Paper Award, "2D Vector Field Simplification Based on Robustness," IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2014
- Honorable Mention Award, "Visual Analysis of Uncertainties in Ocean Forecasts for Planning and Operation of Off-Shore Structures," IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2013
- Best Paper Award, "Edge Maps: Representing Flow with Bounded Error," IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2011
You can find my latest CV here.

Prof. Guoning Chen
Office: PGH 566
Phone: 713-743-5788
Email: gchen22 at central dot uh dot edu
Address: University of Houston
College of Natural Sciences and Math
Department of Computer Science
Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall
3551 Cullen Blvd., Room 501
Houston, TX 77204-3010