COSC 6368 --- Artificial Intelligence ( Dr. Eick )

Basic Information

Instructor: Dr. Christoph F. Eick
office hours (PGH 589): MO 4-5p TH 10-11a
class meets: MO/WE 2:30-4p
class room: 315PGH(we moved away from the terrible 268 PGH class room!!)

Course Materials

Required Text:
S. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach
Prentice Hall/Allyn&Bacon, 1995, ISBN: 0-13-103805-2, $62.95
Call number: Q335.R86 1995
Link to Textbook Homepage

Optional books with relevant material:
N. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis
Morgan Kaufmann, 1998, ISBN: 1-55860-467-7, $59.95
Call number: Q335.N495 1998

E. Rich and K. Knight, Artificial Intelligence, 2nd ed.
McGraw Hill Book Company, 1991, ISBN: 0-07-052263-4, $71.50
Call number: Q335.R53 1991

M.R. Genesereth and N. Nilsson, Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Morgan Kaufmann, 1987, ISBN: 0-934613-31-1, $61.95
Call number: Q335.G37 1988 and Q335.G37 1987


COSC 4350 or consent with the instructor. Students that do not have much AI-background are encouraged to study chapters 1, 3, and 7 of our textbook prior to August 31, 1999.

Moreover, it is assumed that students taking the class have basic programming skills (undergraduate data structure (COSC 2320) level is sufficient). The course project will require programming; however, students are allowed to choose a programming language of their own liking to conduct the project.

Material Covered in COSC 6368

Artificial Intelligence(AI) resarch centers on the simulation of intelligence in computers. The class gives an introduction to Artificial Intelligence(AI), and surveys AI technologies, techniques, methodologies, and algorithms. In particular, the subfields of AI problem solving and heuristic search, knowledge-based systems, reasoning with uncertain knowledge, and learning will be covered in more depth by COSC 6368 (see Organization of our textbook for more details).

Class Transparencies

Here is some information concerning transparencies to be used in the lectures of COSC 6368: The Russel transparencies can also be obtained by following the instructor link from the textbook link, and then clicking the slide link.


List of AI-demos AI on the Web (Russel's list)
John McCarthy (Inventer of LISP) on what it AI (not everyone will agree with everything he has to say)

Schedule for Lectures

One goal of this class is to give you a very up-to-date introduction to AI. Due to the fact that a new textbook is used, and due to the fact that I havn't taught the graduate AI-class for 8 years, it is very difficult for me to give you a good schedule for Fall 1999. The enclosed schedule is my best guess of what will be covered in class, and the schedule will likely be modified several times during the course of the semester.

To my best knowledge chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, and 27 of the Russel textbook will be covered indepth. Chapters 6, 8, 11, 16, 19 will be partially covered by COSC 6368. If there is enough time left at the end of the semester, chapter 23 will be also covered. Additionally, a few journal articles and transparencies of the instructor will be used as teaching material. Moreover, frequently, examples will be discussed in the lectures that are not contained in the listed teaching material. A preliminary schedule for COSC 6368 is listed below.

Remark: All references to chapters refer to the Russel textbook!

Aug 23 Class Information Instructor Transparencies
Aug 25 Introduction AI Instructor Transparencies
Aug 30 Search Chapter 3
Sep 1 Search + Homework1 Chapter 3
Sept 8 Heuristic Search + Chess Problem Chapter 4
Sept 13 Heuristic Search Chapter 4
Sept 15 Heuristic Search + Homework1 Chapter 4
Sept 20 Game Playing Chapter 5
Sept 22 Intro/Review Logical Reasoning Chapter 6.3+6.4+7
Sept 27 FOL and Situation calculus Chapter 7
Sept 29 Inference in FOL Chapter 9 + 10.2
Oct 6 Resolution + Homework2 Chapter 9
Oct 11 Resolution + Group-Tasks + Default Logic Dr. Eick's transparencies + 10.8
Oct 13 Prolog + Introduction to Planning Russel 10.3 + Subset Chapter 11.1-11.6
Oct 18 Introduction Uncertainty Chapter 14 + ...
Oct 20 Belief Networks I Chapter 15
Oct 25 Left-Overs + Review Midterm Exam
Oct 27 Midterm Exam
Nov. 1 Homework3 + Belief Networks II + Other Approaches to Uncertainty Chapter 15.6
Nov. 3 More on Belief and Decision Networks Chapter 15 + Subset Chapter 16
Nov 5 Knowledge-based Systems (KBS) I --- Introduction Instructor Transparencies + Bastani/Eick Article "Knowledge Engineering" to be part of Webster's Encyclopedia of Engineering.
Nov 5 KBS II --- Matching and Execution of Forward Chaining Rule-based Systems: The RETE-algorithm Instructor Transparencies
Nov 8 KBS III --- Shared Ontologies and Frame-based Systems IEEE Intelligent Systems Special Issue "Coming to Terms with Ontologies, pp. 18-26, Jan./Feb. 1999 + 10.6 Russel
Nov. 10 Introduction to Inductive Learning Russel Chapter 18
Nov. 15 Decision Trees + Homework4 Chapter 18
Nov. 17 Decision Trees + C5.0 C5.0 material available on the web
Nov. 22 Neural Networks + Green's "Good AI-Demos" Presentation Subset Russel Chapter 19
Nov. 29 Evolutionary Computation + Course Evaluation Holland's Scientific American Article
Dec. 1 History and Future of AI IEEE Computer "25 years of Computing" Special Issue, "The Challenge of AI", pp. 86-98, Oct. 1996. + Chapter 27
Dec. 10, 2p Final Exam

COSC 6368 1999 Subgroups

Students in the class are subdivided into 4 groups. The role of the groups is to conduct www-inquiries to improve COSC 6368, to find, install, and test AI-software and demos on the web, and to do things that are helpful to your class mates (members of the other groups). This semester's groups are (the last named student in the list is the "coordinator" of the group), and their specific tasks have been described below:


The course will have open-book midterm and final exams, and 4 assignments that contain paper&pencil-style questions, 2 problems that require programming, and one essay-style problem. Each student has to have a weighted average of 74.0 or higher in the exams of the course in order to receive a grade of "B-" or better for the course. Students will be responsible for material covered in the lectures and assigned in the readings. All homeworks and project reports are due at the date specified. However, students are premitted to turn in a single homework 4 days late. However, there will be no extensions for the last homework (homework 4). No late submissions will be accepted after the due date. This policy will be strictly enforced. Course grades will be based on 35% final exam, 28% midterm exam, and 37% for the assignments.

Translation number to letter grades:
A:100-90 A-:90-86 B+:86-82 B:82-78 B-:78-74 C+:74-70
C: 70-66 C-:66-62 D+:62-58 D:58-54 D-:54-50 F: 50-0

Only machine written solutions to homeworks and assignments are accepted (the only exception to this point are figures and complex formulas) in the assignments. Be aware of the fact that our only source of information is what you have turned in. If we are not capable to understand your solution, you will receive a low score. Moreover, students should not throw away returned assignments or tests.

Students may discuss course material and homeworks, but must take special care to discern the difference between collaborating in order to increase understanding of course materials and collaborating on the homework / course project itself. We encourage students to help each other understand course material to clarify the meaning of homework problems or to discuss problem-solving strategies, but it is not permissible for one student to help or be helped by another student in working through homework problems and in the course project. If, in discussing course materials and problems, students believe that their like-mindedness from such discussions could be construed as collaboration on their assignments, students must cite each other, briefly explaining the extent of their collaboration. Any assistance that is not given proper citation may be considered a violation of the Honor Code, and might result in obtaining a grade of F in the course, and in further prosecution.

Communication with the teaching staff

We strongly encourage students to come to my office hours or to talk to me directly after class. If a homework clarification is posted after a student has completed an assignment, the student should contact us as soon as possible to check if the assumptions s/he made are going to be accepted.

Please do not e-mail us with grading questions. If you want us/me to explain why I took points off, you can talk to me/us during office hours and directly after class.

Homeworks COSC 6368 Fall 1999

Problems Homework1(the specification was updated significantly on Sept. 14; minor additions were made on Sept. 15)
Input File of Training Benchmark (contains 12 examples of training benchmark); some errors have been corrected on Sept. 15, if there are any other errors, please send me an e-mail!
Problems Homework2 (first draft)
Problems Homework3+4 (first, very preliminary draft)


The midterm will cover material covered through October 18, and will be given on Wednesday, October 27 during the regular class hours

Final Exam

The final will be held on the date specified in the catalogue. Those taking the qualifying exam will receive an extra problem set and more time to complete those problems; more details about the qualifying exam in AI will be discussed in the class of We., November 17.

Schedule and Deadlines

When?TopicDue DateWeight
Sept. 1, 99Homework 1: Heuristic SearchSeptember 28, 9911%
Sept. 27, 99Homework 2: Logical ReasoningOctober 12, 994%
Mo., Oct. 4, 99no class!!
October 25, 99Review Class Midterm Exam
October 27, 99Midterm Exam28%
October 25, 99Homework 3: Uncertainty, Belief Networks, and Knowledge-based Systems Nov. 16, 9914%
Nov. 8, 99Homework 4: Machine Learning, Decision Trees, and Knowledge-based SystemsNov. 30, 997%
Fr., Nov. 5, 4:30-7pMakeup Class
We., Nov. 172:30-3:20p: regular class; 3:20-3:50p: discussion of qualifying exam
We., Nov. 24,99no class!!
Fr., Dec. 10,99 2-5pFinal Exam36%
Sa., Dec. 11,99, 10a-noon(?)Qualifying Exam Part2Final Exam is Part 1

Stanford Page with Additional Course Material

COSC 6368 News (10/12)

Accesses since July 21, 1999:

last updated: October 12, 1999, 11:40p