Report Visit Virginia Moca & Aquarium March 19, 2016 1. Contemporary Art Museum a. Lynn Godley: In Flight; boundary point enhanced flying bird pictures b. Swoon (Catedonia Curry): Momento Mori c. Nevet Yitzhak; Warcraft; warfare with aphgan rug backgrounds d. Ryan Lauterio: By Design, 2013; "relationship between what is constant and what is changing" e. Michal Broth: Canvas Falcon, 2016 f. Exhibition: Abandoned Objects in Virginia g. Exhibition: Art of Mentally Ill or Impaired. 2. Aquarium a. Exhibit that shows Watershed Waterflow based on rainfall whose location can be changed dynamically. b. Virginia Waterflow Simulation based on Runoff, water depth and other parameters indicating water flow direction (by Old Dominion University, Norfolk VA; Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center) c. Impacts on suspended sediments that act like "pollution" d. Moreover, coastal/march exhibits with ground water nutrient and ground water decomposition themes e. nicely do otters swim after millions of years evolution of their body form f. Norfolk Canyon---like a 30 mile Grand Canyon under water