I received my master degree in Computer Science at 2019 from the University of Houston, then, I continue my research as a Ph.D student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Houston. My master's thesis focused on analyze graphs on DBMS. My Ph.D research interests are Big Data, Graph Analysis. My Research Supervisor is Dr. Carlos Ordonez
Xiantian Zhou
Computer Science, University of Houston
Fall 2020
COSC 3380: Design of File and Database Systems
Instructor: Dr. Carlos OrdonezSpring 2020
COSC 4315/6345: Programming Languages
Instructor: Dr. Carlos OrdonezFall 2019
COSC 4315/6345: Programming Languages
Instructor: Dr. Carlos OrdonezPaper 2021
Zhou, X. and Ordonez, C., 2021. Efficient Graph Analytics in Python for Large-scale Data Science. The 23rd International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery.
Paper 2019
Zhou, X. and Ordonez, C., 2019, December. Computing Complex Graph Properties with SQL Queries. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (pp. 4808-4816). IEEE.
Paper 2020
Li, H., Wang, H., Wang, L. and Zhou, X., 2020. A modified Boltzmann annealing differential evolution algorithm for inversion of directional resistivity logging-while-drilling measurements. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 188, p.106916.
Paper 2020
Ordonez, C., Al Amin, S., and Zhou, X., 2020. A Simple Low Cost Parallel Architecture for Big Data Analytics. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data),2020
Paper 2020
Zhou, X. and Ordonez, C., Matrix Multiplication with SQL Queries for Graph Analytics(poster). IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2020
Big graph analysis
08/2019 – 06/2022
Big data analysis
06/2018 – 06/2019
Developed a database management system (DBMS) in C++ (C++, SQL)
Optimization of Linear Recursive Queries in SQL and maintaining Transitive Closure of graphs (Spark, Vertica, java, Scala, SQL)
Developed a user study in immersive virtual environment using Vizard (Python, java)
University of Houston
08/2019 - 05/2022 (Expected)
Ph.D. in Computer Scienct
Advanced Machine Learning, Operating System etc.
University of Houston
08/2017 - 05/2019
M.S. in Computer Scienct
Big Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Data Structures and Algorithms, Databases, Parallel Computing, Software Design, The theory of computation etc.
Let's connect! I prefer LinkedIn message and Email.