COSC 6321 - Research Methods in Computer Science (Fall 2015)


Homework - 7

Due: October 11, 2015

Performance Evaluation

In this homework, we will learn how to do performance evaluation of algorithms, systems, or techniques preferably from your area of research. It is also a requirement that you do this assignment in Linux environment.

Pick an algorithm/program/system that already exists in your area of research. You can pick such artifact from your project if they are already available in your research project for this semester.

Profile the system performance (CPU, RAM, Storage, running time, etc) across different workloads or relevant parameters.

Submit a two-page document with four sections. Introduction section will describe in one paragraph the artifact you evaluate. Experiments and metrics section will describe the why and how of experiments you performed and the metrics. Results section describes the results obtained from your experiments. Conclusions section will summarize what you learnt about the artifact.

Come up with an appropriate title for your paper.

Please use ACM two-column template for this submission. Your pdf should be named hw7.pdf.


Please submit your homework on Moodle as a pdf with name hw7.pdf.