COSC 6321 - Research Methods in Computer Science (Spring 2019)


Homework - 8

Due: March 24, 2019

Generating Ideas

Pick an important paper in your area of research. Ideally, the paper opens a new field and is not the one that closes the field. Now, lets try to generate some research ideas related to that paper.

Researchers are often inspired by what they read. Formulation of new resaerch topics often is influenced by what ideas they are exposed to. We will follow their footsteps in this homework.

Create some variations of the research described in the paper as possible new research topics. The new research topics could address limitations of existing work, test existing theory or systems on new data sets, apply what is known to new settings or applications, or improve the technology on known datasets or new datasets with respect to existing or new metrics. New research ideas may also combine multiple existing ideas to do something new. In our case, you may also consider combining the idea contained in the selected paper with some technique from other paper or field.

Generate three different research ideas related to the selected paper. For each idea, please provide the following information:

  1. Title of the proposed research project or paper.
  2. How is this idea similar to what is on the selected paper?
  3. How is this idea different from what is on the selected paper?

Please use the conference template, The three ideas should be presented as three sections of the submission with the section title representing the title of the proposed research or paper. Each section should have two short paragraphs.


Please submit your homework on Moodle as a pdf with name hw8.pdf.