COSC 6377 : Computer Networks

Fall 2016

MW 1-230pm at F 154

Homework 2: Packet Capture and Analysis

Due: 10/12/2016

In this homework, we will learn how to capture packets from live networks, analyze them, and make basic network performance measurement.

Packet Capture

  1. Install Wireshark on your laptop. Then visit three http and three https sites. Capture the packets corresponding to the request and reply for these website visits. Try to guess the content of the get and response just by looking at the packet contents. What could you guess and what you could not? Include packet dump and your conclusions from inspecting the packet in your writeup.
  2. Using wireshark, monitor all the wireless packets for 60 minutes. For each minute, list all the devices that you are able to "see" and number of packets transmitted and received by each of these devices. Do this measurement in at least two different environments: once at UH campus and once at your home or a public cafe. Describe what you observed and visualize your results in a way that is aesthetically pleasing and informative.
  3. Measure the maximum data rate from your laptop to the Internet once at UH and once either at home or at a public place. You are not allowed to use any existing tools. You should invent a tool or methodology that may give you a very rough approximation of the data rate. Describe your methodology, its strengths and weaknesses, and what you learnt.


Please submit your homework, including code and documentation if any, as a single pdf through Moodle.