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COSC 6397 - Research Methods in Computer Science (Fall 2013)


Homework - 11

Due: November 7, 2013

Research Paper - Snapshot 2

We will complete the second snapshot of the research paper we are writing this semester. In this snapshot, we expect you to have fleshed out introduction and related work sections.

We will also practice some LaTeX and version control for this assignment.

Version control with git. Create an account on bitbucket.org. Create a private repository called paper-f13. Then add the user "gnawali@gmail.com" as a collaborator for that repository. In your submission, please provide the https clone URL. I will clone the repository and look at your paper.

Formatting your paper with LaTeX. We will format your paper with two different templates. Template 1 copied from CVPR2013. Template 2 copied from Springer site. Your target length for the final paper is 6+ pages with the CVPR template. With the Springer template, 10+ pages.

Your repository must contain a Makefile. When someone clones your repository and types "make cvpr" it should produce a pdf with the name paper-f13-cvpr.pdf. With "make lncs", it should produce a pdf with the name paper-f13-lncs.pdf. Please do not use non-standard LaTeX packages because you want the reader (me) to be able to compile on a standard LaTeX installation with pdflatex.

For writeup to submit on Moodle - please include a short letter addressed to the "Dear Editor" saying you are submitting your paper to ERCS conference. Include a 1-2 sentence description of your paper and how to access it from git and build the pdf.


Please submit your homework on Moodle.