COSC 6397 - Research Methods in Computer Science (Fall 2013)


Homework - 9

Due: October 24, 2013

Somebody Else's Research Proposal (writeup)

An important skill in writing is understanding the context the reader or your target audience has about your topic. Often, we make the mistake of diving too deep without providing enough background information. Sometimes, we do not provide enough details about our ideas, partly because we forget that the reader might not have all the background or history of the idea or the project.

In this assignment, we will read a research proposal written by somebody else (another student in the class) and we will write up our interpretation of the proposal. We will try our best to anonymize the proposal before we assign you one. Please do not ask the author for any clarification even if you know who wrote the proposal.

It is likely that you will be assigned a proposal that is not in your area of research. As a researcher, in the future, sometimes you may be asked to judge a piece of work not in your area of research. Please use this assignment as an opportunity to learn to understand work outside of your area and communicate to researchers outside your immediate area of research.

You should read the proposal assigned to you and write a 1-2 page text with three sections: Introduction, Related Work, and Research Plan. You should incorporate information from all the research formulation questions into these three sections. Depending on the proposal, it may be necessary to add some content yourself, for example, additional related work.

Please also include a section called Feedback. In this section, you can give feedback to the author of the research formulation questions about writing (for example, what parts did not make any sense or are impossible to understand) and the research idea itself. This section should not be more than one paragraph in length.


Please submit your homework on Moodle.