Possible Thesis Topics


Problem areas of my interest include, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Distance education through WWW and Internet: How to assess learning outcomes? How to handle programming assignments? How to carry out team projects?
  2. Electronic Documentation System for System Administrators: A constant need of computer system administrators is to access selective portions of a vast amount of technical information instantaneously. This need can be readily met by implementing all necessary information in an electronic documentation system with Adobe Acrobat. A prototype of the system has been built as the result of a special problem course. But much about its design and implementation remain to be justified. A good M.S. thesis can be written by completing this work.

  1. Distance education through WWW and Internet: How to assess learning outcomes? How to handle programming assignments? How to carry out team projects?
  2. Electronic Documentation System for System Administrators: A constant need of computer system administrators is to access selective portions of a vast amount of technical information instantaneously. This need can be readily met by implementing all necessary information in an electronic documentation system with Adobe Acrobat. A prototype of the system has been built as the result of a special problem course. But much about its design and implementation remain to be justified. A good M.S. thesis can be written by completing this work.
  3. Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of a Test-Case Selection Method: A tool for measuring the effectiveness of test cases has been build as the result of a previous thesis work. A good M.S. thesis can be written by conducting experiments to corroborate the results, and by completing the possible extensions suggested therein.
  4. Automation and speed-up of software testing process: The cost of systematic software testing, regardless of the method used, is prohibitively high. Cost reduction can be achieved by automation and speed-up of any part of that process, including test-case selection, test execution, and analysis of test result.
  5. Development of software tools having some or all of the following capabilities:
    • Given a program, automatically identify all loop constructs in the program, and rewrite each into the form "while B do S", if not already in that form.
    • Given a predicate B and a sequence of statements S, identify S', a proper subsequence of S, such that wp(S, B) º wp(S', B). (Here wp stands for the weakest precondition)
    • Given a predicate B and a sequence of statements S, compute wp(S, B).
    • Given a loop predicate B, find another that implies B and is computationally simpler.
    • Find the bounds of variables contained in a program. 

For more information, or if you are interested in writing thesis on any of these topics, please contact me by email at jhuang@cs.uh.edu, or complete the form below.

If you want to get the maximum benefit out of your graduate study, remember this:  To do a thesis is not merely to solve a well-defined problem given by your faculty advisor. The true purpose of a thesis project is to train the student to survey a field of interest (to the student as well as the faculty supervisor), identify a problem, clearly define the problem, identify possible solutions, choose a solution that best satisfies given (or postulated) constraints, implement the solution if appropriate, and then document the entire work. The ability to do every part of that is of vital importance to a computer professional.

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