Department Of ComputerScience
Course WebPage for Structure of Programming Languages and Compilers 
COSC 4310 - Fall 2000
Section Number - 07917

General Information 

About the course : Introduction to compilation and topics in programming languages. 

Classes : Room No 269 PGH         4:00 P.M - 5:30 P.M Tuesdays - Thursdays

Updatesnew_tiny.gif (144 bytes)

new_tiny.gif (144 bytes) The midterm review slides are at      here 

new_tiny.gif (144 bytes) Two older finals are on the webpage with other exams in the exams directory
new_tiny.gif (144 bytes) The Second Midterm is scheduled for Tuesday, November 14th.
new_tiny.gif (144 bytes) Project3 - Click to view details . Its due on November 29th midnight.
new_tiny.gif (144 bytes) Homework 4 is added to the Homeworks directory that covers the portion between the 1st midterm and
second midterm. 
new_tiny.gif (144 bytes)  Project2 - Grades information ( And also some info about the common mistakes for losing points )
   The class average for project #2 is 92.95 for 99 students and may go + or - 0.2 since there was a problem with running files of 3 people whose scores have not been included. 
  *  Miderm One Solution ( PDF format, PS format )
  * Student list
  *  Helpful Links  ( Info about Flex, Make, and Bison )

Dr. Jaspal Sublok 

Office and Timings
PGH 573
Office Hours - Monday 2.30-5 PM and after every class taught.
Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30 P.M - 6:00 P.M 
E-mail :


Teaching Assistants

Xi Zhang

Office and Timings
PGH 520
Office Hours - Wednesdays 1:30P.M - 3:30 P.M
E-mail :


Praveen Karoshi

Office and Timings
PGH - 527
Office Hours - Thusdays 10:30 A.M - 12:30 P.M.
E-mail :


Text & References
Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools

  - by Alfred V. V. Aho,Ravi Sethi,Jeffrey D. Ullman 

1146454.gif (15204 bytes) Lex and Yacc

  - by John R. Levine, Tony Mason, Doug Brown

Lecture Notes

    Course Syllabus   Note : If there are further changes they would be notified.
    Lecture Notes   ( Note that material and procedures have changed this semester. )
    Lecture Notes from Spring 2000   ( Check back later for update.)
    Exams ( Some previous question papers and solutions ).

Projects& Homeworks

    There will be three projects during this course which would cover the practical aspects of the concepts of compilers like scanning, parsing, semantic analysis decided by the instructor.

Assignments will be mostly programming projects where you build components of a simple compiler
* There will be 3 or 4 programming assignments.
* You may discuss the assignment conceptually with other students but must not look at the code.
* You may be asked to demonstrate your project and answer questions on it by the instructor or TA

>>    Project Two          ( Please click to view details and instructions. )
       Note : There will be a 10 point penalty per day for late submission of projects. 

>>    Project One          ( Please click to view details and instructions. )
       Note : There will be a 10 point penalty per day for late submission of projects. 

>>   Homeworks            ( Please click to view directory. )
       Note : Homeworks should not be submitted and will not be graded. 

>> Seating for Exam  (HTML, Excel).


Use the newsgroup to communicate problems, doubts and exchange ideas with the instructor and TA. Show some interactivity with COSC4310.

Current plan is for two midterms (20% each) and one comprehensive Final (30%)
* exam will emphasize understanding the material and using it to solve problems.
* midterms will be closed book, final is likely open book.
* may have questions relating to projects.

The first mid-term is scheduled for   Tuesday - October 3rd,2000.

Grading Policy

   The assignments will be graded for correctness of the general procedure followed for the program and correct output for any test cases run by TA. Test cases will be within the purview of the constraints specified in assignment definition. It is mandatory that you use "makefile" for compilation of your projects. Make sure that you supply a readme file along with your assignments which is an informal documentation of your work. Please do not submit the RCS files with the project. You will need to submit them on request by the TA or the instructor, so do not delete them until the semester is over.

Grade Criterion ( this is the tentative plan) =>
midterms (20% + 20%) + final (30%) + assignment (30%)  but you must get at least 65% in the assignments
You will have to do well in exams and projects. 

Tentative grade mapping: 80-100% = A , 70-80% = B, 60-70% = C, 50-60% = D
(The range includes any + and - with letter grades)

Academic Honesty Policy 

   Please solve the assignments independently and not in groups. Acts of copying and improper practices will be severely dealt with. Every student has to make use of RCS (version keeping of the assignment that preserves the snapshot of how you proceed through the assignment from start till end and save it till end of the semester for necessary checking later on). 
Last modified on : Nov 4th,2000 9:45 P.M. 
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