If a given rule-based system cannot deliver an adequate performance in bounded time, then it has to be optimized or resynthesized. The first part of the project investigates several approaches (state-space-based and semantics-based) for optimizing the rule base of expert systems. The second part of the project investigates the optimization of the match phase, which has a highly unpredictable runtime.
RETIMA-NET (REal-TIme MultimediA and Networking)
The objective of this project is to
develop and implement a unified framework for predictable real-time (wired and
multimedia communication with several levels of guaranteed quality of
service (QoS).
8-30-01: F. Jahanian and A. K. Mok, ``Safety Analysis of Timing Properties in Real-Time Systems,'' IEEE Trans. Software Engineering, Vol. SE-12, No. 9, Sept. 1986, pp. 890-904.
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9-6-01 to 9-11-01: E. M. Clarke, E. A. Emerson, and A. P. Sistla, ``Automatic Verification of Finite-State Concurrent Systems Using Temporal Logic Specifications,'' ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 1986, pp. 244-263.
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9-18-01: A. M. K. Cheng, J. C. Browne, A. K. Mok, and R.-H. Wang, ``Analysis of Real-Time Rule-Based Systems With Behavioral Constraint Assertions Specified in Estella,'' IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol 19, No. 9, pp. 863-885, Sept. 1993.
9-20-01: J.-R. Chen and A. M. K. Cheng, ``Response Time Analysis of EQL Real-Time Rule-Based Systems,'' IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 26-43, Feb. 1995.
A. M. K. Cheng and J.-R. Chen, ``Response Time Analysis of OPS5 Production Systems,'' IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, May/June 2000.
B. Zupan and A. M. K. Cheng, ``Optimization of Rule-Based Systems Using State Space Graphs,'' IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 238-254, March/April 1998.
9-25-01: X. Huang and A. M. K. Cheng, ``Applying Imprecise Algorithms to Real-Time Image and Video Transmission,'' Proc. IEEE-CS Real-Time Technology and Applications Symp., Chicago, IL, pp. 96-101, May 1995.
9-27-01: A. M. K. Cheng and X. Gu, ``Improving the I/O Performance of Real-Time Database Systems with Multiple-Disk Storage Structures'' Proc. 25th Intl. Conf. on Parallel Processing, Bloomingdale, IL, Vol. I, pp. 204-211, Aug. 1996.
10-2-01: A. M. K. Cheng, ``Self-Stabilizing Real-Time Rule-Based Systems,'' Proc. 11th IEEE-CS Symp. on Reliable Distributed Systems, Houston, Texas, pp. 172-179, Oct. 1992.