3371 Home Page

Course Information:

  Course Title Cybersecurity
  Semester Spring 2024
  Course Number COSC 3371
Section Number 23574
Instructor Dr. Stephen Huang, pgh219, shuang (at) cs. uh. edu
Classroom MH-140
Class Time Monday & Wednesday: 2:30-4:00 p.m.
Online Link Zoom Link: https://uh-edu-cougarnet.zoom.us/j/7946047038?omn=81854200223 for some office hours.
Office Hours

Monday: 4:00-5:00 PM (PGH-219)
Tuesday: 4:00-5:00 PM (Online only)
Wednesday: 4:00-5:00 PM (PGH219)
Thursday: 4:00-5:00 PM (Online only)

Please feel free to contact the instructor or the TAs for additional office hours, in person or online. Use the Zoom link above to connect to the professor.

Messages from the Instructor:

04/29/2024 Review for the final on Thursday, 5/2/2024, at 8 PM.

Due to an emergency, I will be away from the UH campus on Monday, March 18. There will be no lecture in class on Monday. I have pre-recorded a lecture for you to view. Please see the class planner for the link.

02/11/2024 Due to a conflict, I have to cancel my office hour after the class on Monday, 2/12/2024.
02/08/2024 Some minor editing on Assignment 1 and more instructionon submitting assignments on the Assignment page.
01/24/2024 Here are the flyers mentioned in class. Future Computing Summer Internship at NSA, Chinese Language Immersion Program for Cybersecurity Students.
01/24/2024 The TA's page has been updated. He has office hours in person and online.
01/15/2024 UH will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024. Stay safe and warm.
01/15/2024 Most pages are ready except the Assignments page. The resources page is ready, but you need a username and password to access the slides. They will be given out in the first class.
01/02/2024 Welcome to 3371. This site is being updated for Spring 2024. More information will be added soon.


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