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This course is being offered in the Face-to-Face format based on the Provost's statement recently. The university is monitoring the development of the Pandemic and may make modification to the current policy. The University continues to encourage those who are not fully vaccinated to wear a mask, to protect themselves from being infected by others, and to prevent infecting others should they have an asymptomatic infection.

Messages from the instructor:

[12/20/2021] Students can meeet me without appointment now until 3:00 pm, either in person or via Zoom (preferred).

[12/20/2021] I have the following time slots open.  Let me know, by email, all slots that work for you.  I will confirm the time later.
Monday, 12/20/2021
Office Hours: 2:00-2:10 pm, 2:10-2:20 pm, 2:20-2:30 pm, 2:30-2:40 pm, 2:40-2:50 pm, 2:50-3:00 pm.

[12/19/2021] I have completed the grading on Friday evening.  I spent the weekend considering various scales for the letter grade.  I did normalization on the test scores. I first decided on a realistic maximum score for each test (50 for test 1 and 65 for the final). They were normalized: n-test1 = test1/50*100, which should be between 0 and 100.  The same is done to the final.  I also adjusted the weights since we had fewer assignments.  They are: Assignments 15%, Test-1 30%, final 55%.  After the total is computed using the weights, I added a small bonus using my attendance record.  I hope you all learned some skills in this area.  Best of lucks with your study and your career. You are all welcome to drop by my office when COVID is under control.  Have a nice holiday.

[12/06/2021] There will be a special office hour at 11 AM on December 7th. I will answer all the questions you may have about the final exam. Hope to see you on Zoom. Use the same link as before.

[11/28/2021] I will be on Zoom to answer questions this evening between 8:30 and 9:00 pm or until there is no one there.

[11/27/2021] No office hours on Thursday, December 2 due to a doctor's appointment.

[11/23/2021] The final exam will be in Room 232 in the PGH building.

[11/23/2021] Assignment 2 has been finalized. Due midnight, Monday, Nov. 29.

[11/23/2021] I will keep the office hours on Monday and Tuesday for the Thanksgiving Week. No office hours for Wednesday and Thursday. Please contact me to set up Zoom meetings if necessary.

[11/13/2021] Part of Assignment 2 is now available. Start working on them.

[11/08/2021] Please pick up your midterm test from the instructor if you have not done so yet.

[10/04/2021] Attendnce of the class is mandatory. I will start taking attendance.

[10/01/2021] By request, I am extending the deadline for Assignment 1. It is due midnight (11:59 pm) Sunday.

[09/24/2021] The first assignment is ready here. You have one week to do it.

[09/19/2021] The university has decided to begin a transition week on Monday, September 20 to full density/in-person instruction on Monday, September 27.  For this course, we will continue the current hybrid teaching mode for the week of September 20-24. Starting September 27, all students will attend classes in person on campus.

[09/13/2021] Class canceled due to weather conditions. The instructor will hold online office hours during the class period via Zoom. No new topics will be discussed on Monday.

[09/02/2021] The university has decided to extend the “soft opening” of our classes for an additional two weeks. We will continue to teach in person and steaming the lectures for two more weeks. See Provost's letter here.

[08/29/2021] While we are teaching in dual modes, students are free to switch between the two groups. Students may also attend both Monday and Wednesday online or in-person. The only restriction is no more than 50% of the students attend the class in person, an unlikely event.

[08/29/2021] The TA will host office hours on MS Teams. See TA page for more information.

[08/16/2021] I have sent an email with important information about the class to your email registered with UH. If you did not get it, look in the spam folder. Students whose last name begins with A-N will attend in-person lecture on Monday, August 23. Students wwhose last name begins wirh O-Z should attend the class online via Zoom https://uh-edu-cougarnet.zoom.us/j/98601654418, For questions, contact the instructor.

[08/12/2021] We are revising our teaching plan due to the "soft opening". Please visit this site for more information. Important information may also be send from UH's Blackboard or registration system. However email from those system may end up in your SPAM folder. Please check you SPAM folder regularly,

[08/10/2021] The university is initiating a "soft opening" for the first two weeks of the semester. Tentatively, we plan to meet on the first day of class (Monday, August 23) in person. Please check this website for any update.

[08/08/2021] The first draft copy of the Syllabus is available noow. It may be updated later.

[08/05/2021] This site is being revised for the semester. Report problems to the instructor.


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