last updated: November 29, 2024
Remark: One January 1, 2025 all paintings on this webpage will be replaced by different paintings.

(Ph.D., Karlsruhe)
Associate Professor, and
Director UH Data Analysis and Intelligent Systems Lab (UH-DAIS)

Department of Computer Science
University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-3010.
Office: 573 Philip G. Hoffman (PGH)
Phone: (713) 743-3345 (leave message)
Fax: (713) 743-3335
Email: ceick at uh dot edu

Office Hours

Fall 2024: TH 8:50-10a FR 2:10-3p (through November 21, 2024 using MS Teams (or send an e-mail to and I call you back ))
Exceptions: Extra Office Hour We., November 20, 4:10-5p


Areas of Expertise:

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Evolutionary Computing
Data Science
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Artificial Intelligence

Recent and Planned Research Projects:

Spatial and Spatio-temporal Data Analysis Frameworks
St**2—Tools for Data Storytelling
Collocation Mining
Supervised and Traditional Clustering Algorithms
Knowledge Extraction from Social Media Posts and Happiness Analysis
Threshold-based Association Analysis for Continuous Variable
Disaster Computing
Computational Frameworks to Fight Modern Slavery


I have or had the privilege of conducting research with the following students in the last 3 years:

PhD Students: Steve Aigbe, Karima Elgarroussi, Md. Mahin, Raunak Sarbajna, and Janet Anagli.
Master Students: Aparna Budhavarapu, Jennifer A. Csicsery-Ronay, Anjana Kummari, Anusha Nemilidinne, Parth Sanghani, Akhil Talari and Hoang Vo,.
Undergraduate Students: Max Broekhuis, Max Deniz Burduroglu, Lingwei Kong, Ashish Nare, Adam Nelson-Archer and Tuyen Cao.
Contributing Alumni: Sujing Wang and Paul Amalaman.


Websites for Courses I teach:
Graduate Articial Intelligence (COSC 6368)
Undergraduate Articial Intelligence (COSC 4368; updated on January 15, 2024)
Data Science I (COSC 3337)
Undergraduate Data Mining (COSC 4335)
Graduate Data Mining (COSC 6335)
Graduate Machine Learning (COSC 6342)
Advanced Machine Learning (COSC 7362)
Evolutionary Programming (COSC 6367)

Recent and Current Service

2011-2013, I served as the Associate Chairman for the Department of Computer Science. I served on the Faculty Search Committee 2005-2006 and 2007-2010 and 2014-16. I also served as the Director of Graduate Studies for the Computer Science Department from September 2001 to November 2004. In recent years I served on the program committee for the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining 2006-2013 and 2016-2023 (ICDM), for the International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS), the Transdisciplinary AI Conference and AAAI 2019 (took place in Honolulu, Hawaii end of January 2019).

2024 Travel
UH-DAIS Research