Paper-Walk-Through Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1998 550 PGH Paper: The Challenge of Artificial Intelligence in IEEE Computer, 50 years IEEE Computer Society Issue, pp. 86-97, October 1996. The publication is composed of 4 subpapers. Every student should read the whole publication. Each student is assigned to one subpaper. Each student should read the subpaper s/he is assigned to carefully, and should be able to be the animator for the walk through, be able to summarize the content of the paper, and able to ask questions, in the case that s/he does not understand the message of a paragraph. Subpapers and Students 1) Raj Reddy: The Challenge of AI (main text) Rod Chapa and Manish Singh 2) Raj Reddy: AI and Computer Science Olle Larson and Tsung-i-Huang 3) Raj Reddy: 5 Laws of Intelligent Action Vincent Sookram and Mary-Rudolf-Gips 4) S. Kamphampati: Theoretical Contributions to AI Tau Leng and Sangman Bak