"Time to Study for the Final Exam"
Review List Final Exam COSC 6368 Dec. 17, 2002 (Draft)
The final exam of COSC 6368 is scheduled for Tu., Dec. 17,
11a-1:20p in our regular class room. The final exam is
"open books" and "notes" and will cover the following topics:
- ******* Logical reasoning: representing natural language statements
using first order logic,
converting first order logic to clause form,
doing resolution proofs, unification algorithm, theoretical problems
involving resolution,
resolution for propositional calculus, PROLOG and resolution. Also read sections
7.1, 7.2,
7.3, 9.5, 9.6, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, and 10.4, of the Russel
- ** Heuristic Search: best-first search, A*, backtracking, design a state evaluation
function for A*/best-first search (focusing on what was covered in class) focusing on
topics that were discussed in class.
- ******* Belief Networks and Uncertainty: Bayes Theorem,conditional
independence assumption, naive bayesian systems, d-separability,
ability to conduct basic computations for belief networks,
design/implement a belief network for a particular problem, general
ideas and capabilities of belief networks. Most belief network problems in
the exam will be similar to those of homework3 or to problems that were discussed in class.
- *** Knowledge-based systems: what are the topics of
knowledge-based systems, knowledge-based architecture, rule-based programming (only basic
ideas), and ontologies (review transparencies and read the two ontology
articles and the discussion of the course registration data-driven program).
- *** Evolutionary Programming: review transparencies that were discussed
in class, read Baeck article (you can skip Sections 4 and 6 of the article); expect very
general (non-technical), and comparison-style questions in the exam.
- ** AI and NII (read Weld article, be prepared to answer questions concerning
the content of this article focussing on the summary, Section 1, and Section 2)
Reading and Study List for Final Exam:
- Study all transparencies that were used for teaching the
- Read the following articles:
- First 5 pages of Dr. Eick's article on forward chaining rule-based
- Two articles discussing ontologies (part of the knowledge
based system material)
- Baeck article
- Weld article