"Time to Study for the Final
Review List Final Exam COSC 6368 Th., May 11,
The final exam of COSC 6368 is scheduled for
Th., May 11, 2p in our regular class room PGH 200.
The final exam is "open books" and "notes" and will cover the following topics:
- ** Reinforcement Learning centerting on the material that was discussed in
class; read the corresponding material of the textbook that can be found in
17.1 and 17.2 and chapter 21.
- * Decision Trees (same material is relevant that was relevant for
- **** Belief Networks and Uncertainty: Bayes Theorem, conditional
independence assumption, naive bayesian systems, d-separability, ability to
conduct basic computations for belief networks, design/implement a belief
network for a particular problem, general ideas and capabilities of belief
networks. Most belief network problems in the exam will be similar to those of
Assignment4 or to problems that were discussed in class. Discussions will
center on what was discussed in the lectures and not on material of the
textbook that was not discussed in class.
- * Soft Computing: material of the 12 transparencies, Fuzzy Sets, Zadeh's
definition of Soft Computing, and read What
is Fuzzy Logic.
- * Philosophical Aspects of AI: Weak and Soft AI (section 26.1); Chinese
Room Thought Experiment in section 26.2 (other sections of 26.2 are not
- *** Convert First Order Logic Formulas to clauses; prove simple theorems
using resolution
- ** Search: Design a fitness function for A* and best-first search; hill
climbing, simulated annealing.
last updated: April 25, 2006