Guoning Chen's Homepage

Software and Data

This page provides a number of open source software developed by myself and members of the DaViM lab. All open-source codes and data released below are free for academic uses. To commercialize one or more of them, please contact Dr. Guoning Chen.

  • Vortex extraction and exploration for turbulent flow study
    This open-source code provides a reference implementation of our IEEE VIS 2023 paper on the extraction, separation, and characterization of hairpin vortices for turbulent flows.
  • FCLWebVis--a flexible cross-language web-based data visualization framework
    This open-source code provides a reference implementation of our VDA 2023 paper on the development of a client-server framework for the deployment of different data analysis and visualization applications developed with different program languages. The benefit of this framework is the users do not have to set up the environments to use the newly developed tools and programs. What they need is access to a web-browser on a PC with average performance.
  • Structural optimization of planar quad meshes
    This open-source code provides a reference implementation of our Computers & Graphics 2022 paper on the structure simplification and optimization of planar quadrilateral meshes with open boundaries.
  • Physics-aware pathline selection and visualization
    This open-source code provides a reference implementation of our CGF 2021 paper on the physics-based pathline clustering and exploration for unsteady (time-dependent) flow analysis.
  • Taylor vortex extraction and visualization
    This open-source code provides a reference implementation of our IEEE Visualization 2020 paper on the extraction of 3D Taylor vortices from Taylor Couette turbulent flows.
  • Hex-mesh structure visualization and evaluation
    This open-source code provides a reference implementation of our IEEE Visualization 2018 paper on the evaluation and visualization of the structure of valid all-hex meshes.
  • Hex-mesh structure optimization
    This open-source code provides a reference implementation of our Siggraph Asia 2017 paper on the simplification and optimization of the structure of valid all-hex meshes.
  • Data for hex-mesh quality metric evaluation
    This data set provides tens of thousands of hex-meshes generated for 22 various 3D models for our study of the correlations among different quality metrics for hex-meshes. This is the first time such a large mesh data set was created for the evaluation of the effectiveness of various quality metrics.
  • Hex-mesh element quality optimization
    This open-source code provides the reference implementation of our recent work on angle-based hex-mesh optimization techniques. This tool has been applied to more than 100 hex-meshes and has been demonstrated effective in improving the minimum scaled Jacobian of the meshes.
  • Tool for 2D Time-varying vector field design
    This software provides a number of interactive methods to allow the user to create and modify 2D time-varying vector fields, based on my IEEE TVCG paper with a similar title.
  • Interactive design system for street modeling
    This software provides the implementation of my SIGGRAPH paper on procedural street modeling that utilizes tensor field design to guide the placement of street networks. Since its publication, it has been visited and downloaded for more than 2000 times.
  • Tools for 2D/2.5D vector field analysis
    This software provides the implementation of three of my major work on vector field topological analysis based on Morse decomposition. Since its publication, it has been visited and downloaded for more than 1500 times.


Prof. Guoning Chen
Office: PGH 566
Phone: 713-743-7260
Address:: University of Houston
College of natural Sciences and Math
Department of Computer Science
Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall
3551 Cullen Blvd., Room 501
Houston, TX 77204-3010