Homework - 1
Due: January 19, 2025
Interesting Topic in Computer Science
Please describe two topics of interest in Computer Science, one in your area of research and one related to metaverse but outside your area of research. Each paragraph should have three components:
- Title reflecting the topic, not just area of research. You can take a look at how paper titles are constructed to get an idea about how to write the titles for your paragraphs.
- Clear and short explanation of the topic, understandable to a broader CS audience.
- A short description of the reason you find the topic interesting. The reason could be related to the impact you want to create, inspiration from the past, what you enjoy doing or thinking about, or other reasons you find the topic interesting.
The total length of your response should be less than one page, reasonably formatted like a conference or journal paper. We expect your writing to be polished like a paper submission. It typically takes one or two hours to edit one page of text.
Please submit your HW as a pdf on Teams. The name of the file should be yourlastname-cosc6321-hw1.pdf