Peer to Peer Image Webs
When two mobile users have their own image collections and Image Webs
respectively, we can find similar images in two collections
without sending all images to a central place. We utilize the
computing power of the mobile devices to find the compact signature of
each image and compute the distance between images. Multiple mobile
users can share similar images with each other and merge their own
Image Webs using peer-to-peer protocols.
Cooperative Image Annotation
With cooperative image annotation, we can label a small subset of
existing or new images and have the label propagate to the rest of the
collection through Image Webs. When a user upload new images and
corresponding annotations to the Image Web, the labels are propagated
in the Image Web using graph learning algorithm. When the mobile user
add a new unlabeled image to the Image Web, we can transfer annotation
from the labeled Image Web to this new image.
In a social network built using a distributed architecture such as
PRPL, each user has an image collection and an Image Web. The user has
access to the pictures shared by friends. By overlaying Image Web
through these shared images, the annotations of images are propagated
in the community.