Wireless Network Experiment Methodology
Wireless networks are often hard to replicate because the RF
environment can be highly dynamic and it is all but impossible to
ensure that the RF environment across the experiments is identical. It
is also difficult to directly compare the results across multiple
testbed facilities because the node topology, physical constraints,
and RF environment are almost always different on different
facilities. This inability to reproduce the results and compare
findings across the experiments is a serious impediment, which we
should overcome to bring scientific rigor to wireless
experimentation. In this project, we explore experimental techniques
to remove the environmental variations during protocol comparisons,
design a metric that captures the state of the network during a
wireless experiment, and compile a benchmark suite for network
protocols to standardize the protocol performance evaluations.
Concurrent Experiments
Researchers typically evaluate and compare protocols on the testbeds
by running them one at a time. This methodology ignores the variation
in link qualities and wireless environment across these
experiments. These variations can introduce significant noise in the
results. Evaluating two protocols concurrently, however, suffers from
inter-protocol interactions. These interactions can perturb
performance even under very light load, especially timing and timing
sensitive protocols. We argue that the benefits of running protocols
concurrently greatly outweigh the disadvantages. Although the wireless
environment is still uncontrolled, concurrent evaluations make
comparisons fair and more statistically sound. Through experiments on
two testbeds, we make the case for evaluating and comparing low
data-rate sensor network protocols by running them concurrently.
Capturing the Link and Network State During an Experiment
Text description of the experiment setup, which is the norm, is
usually not enough to reproduce the results of a wireless network
experiment. Such descriptions do not capture the properties of the
testbed that dictate the feasible network topology. Neither do they
capture the wireless dynamics present during the experiment. We design
a metric called Expected Network Delivery that succinctly captures the
state of the links and the network as they pertain to the performance
of a wirelss routing protocol. Such a quantitative metric that
describes the experiment environment allows us to compare the results
from wireless network experiment across time and across the testbeds.
Benchmark for Wireless Network Protocols
Although a large number of networking protocols are available in
wireless and sensor networks, there is a lack of standardized
performance test to evalute these protocols. In this project, we
design a set of benchmark tests that will standardize the performance
evaluation for Collection and Dissemination protocols. Such a
benchmark suite should allow us to systematically compare the
performance of protocols of the same category and identify the best
protocols. Benchmark suites will also make it possible for evaluation
results from different research projects to be more meaningfully
compared. This is an ongoing work in collaboration with the TinyOS
Network Protocol Working Group.
Daniele Puccinelli, Omprakash Gnawali, SunHee Yoon, Silvia
Santini, Ugo Maria Colesanti, Silvia Giordano, and Leonidas Guibas,
The Impact of Network Topology on
Collection Performance, To appear in proceedings of the 8th
European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2011), February
2011. Acceptance Rate - 20% |
Omprakash Gnawali, Leonidas Guibas, and Philip
Levis, A Case for Evaluating Sensor
Network Protocols Concurrently, In Proceedings of the Fifth ACM
International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental
evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2010), September
2010. |