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“Error bounds for Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue approximations by several piecewise cubic Rayleigh-Ritz methods.” In SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, Volume 6, Number 3 (1969), pages 317-333.
“On the use of an array processor in the solution of partial differential equations.” In Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Volume 13, Number 1 (1970), pages 181-182.
“Direct method approximation to the state regulator control problem using a Ritz-Trefftz suboptimal control,” with E. Bosarge. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (Dec. 1970), pages 627-631.
“Error bounds of high order accuracy for the state regulator problem via piecewise polynomial approximations,” with E. Bosarge. In SIAM Journal of Control, Volume 9, Number 1 (1971), pages 15-28.
“Numerical Properties of the Ritz-Trefftz algorithm for optimal control,” with E. Bosarge. In Communications of the ACM, Volume 14, Number 6 (1971), pages 402-406.
“Convergence of the Ritz method for variational problems with nonholonomic constraints,” with E. Bosarge, R. McKnight, and W. Timlake. In SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, Volume 10, Number 1 (1973), pages 35-49.
“A direct method approximation to the linear parabolic regulator problem over multivariate spline bases,” with C. Smith and E. Bosarge. In SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, Volume10, Number 1 (1973), pages 94-111.
“The problem of minimizing the volume or weight of a cantilever beam keeping the first fundamental frequency in transverse vibration constant,” with B. McInnis and S. El-Asfouri. In Quarterly Journal of Applied. Mathematics, (1976), pages 203-206.
“The design and application of a microprocessor development system. with J. Pace, Int. J. of Mini and Microcomputers, Volume1, Number 3 (1980), pages 65-68.
“Polynomial preconditioners for conjugate gradient calculations,” with C. Micchelli and G. Paul. In SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, Volume 20, Number 2 (1983), pages 362-376.
“Three dimensional wave equation computations on vector computers.” In IEEE Computer, Volume 72, Number 1 (1984), pages 90-95.
“A Performance Evaluation of the SX-2 Vector Processor based on a New Performance Model,” with Y. Liu. In Supercomputer, North Holland, Volume 5, Number 6 (1988), pages 34-52.
“The Perfect Club Benchmarks: Effective Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers,” with D. Kuck, et. al. In The International Journal of Supercomputer Applications, Volume 3, Number 3 (1989), pages 5-40.
“High order finite difference modeling and reverse time migration,” with D. Loewenthal, C. Wang and C. Juhlin. In Exploration Geophysics, Volume 22 (1991), pages 533-545.
."Two-Stage Learning of Handwritten Characters by CLF Networks,” with B. Takas and G. Pieroni. In Neural Network World, Volume 1 (1993), pages 41-52.
.“Runge-Kutta with higher order derivative approximations,” with D. Goeken. In
Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 34 (2000), pages 207-218.
17 “Fifth-Order Runge-Kutta with Higher Order Derivative Approximations,” with D. Goeken. In Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conference (02), pages 1-9.
Conferences, published as Book Chapters
“Numerical implementations of variational methods for eigenvalue problems,” with B. Parlett. In Mathematical Software, John Rice ed., Academic Press (1971), pages 357-368.
“An interactive implementation of control theory techniques applied to Pindyck's model of the U. S. economy,” with X. Mangin and J. Rhyne. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Volume 40 (1976), pages 676-690.
“A graphics driven water pollution system,” with J. Rhyne and A. Newhouse. In Modeling, Identification and Control in Environmental Systems, G. C. Vansteenkiste, ed., North-Holland, (1979), pages 907-918.
“Vector algorithms for elliptic partial differential equations based on the Jacobi method,” with G. Paul. In Elliptic Problem Solvers, M. Schultz, ed., Academic Press, (1981), pages 345-351.
“Vector function chainer software for banded preconditioned conjugate gradient calculations.” In Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations - IV, IMACS, (1981), pages 243-245.
“A Vector Elastic Model for the Cyber 205,” with N. Adams. In Supercomputer Applications, Plenum Press, (1985), pages101-114.
“A comparative study of physical and mathematical synthetic time sections,” with Z. Y. Wang. In Supercomputers: Algorithms, Architectures and Applications, F.A. Madsen and T. Tajima (eds), University of Texas Press (1986), pages 385-398.
“Benchmark of the Extended Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms on the NEC SX-2 Supercomputer,” with R. Dubash and J. Fredin. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Volume 297 (1987), pages 894-913.
“Optimal Scheduling Policies for Mixed Scalar-Vector Multiprocessor Supercomputers (Short Version),” with Y. Liu. In Modeling and Simulation, Instrument Society of America, Research Triangle Park, N.C., Volume 19 (1988), pages 1343-1347.
“Neural Networks, Supercomputers and Computer Vision,” with G. G. Pieroni and M. Rakotomalala. In Issues on Machine Vision, G. G. Pieroni, ed., Springer-Verlag (1989) pages 163-176.
"Use of the Hough Transform and Back-Propagating Neural Networks to Perform 3-D Scene Recognition,” with V. Cantoni, N. Nalato and G.G.Pieroni. In Parallel Architectures and Neural Networks II, E. R. Caianiello, ed, World Scientific Book Company, Teaneck N.J. (1990), pages 251-261.
“Using a Neural Network for Recognizing 3-D Shapes Expressed by a Set of Triangular Tiles,” with N. Nalato and G.G. Pieroni. In Parallel Architectures and Neural Networks III, E. R. Caianiello, ed, World Scientific Book Company, Teaneck N.J. (1991), pages 245-256.
“Supercomputer Simulation Using Neural Networks,” with S. Chee. In Lectures on Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence, L.Chmielewski and W.Kosinski (eds.), Ossolineum, Wroclaw (1991), pages 13-23.
“Computer Vision Experiments Using Neural Networks,” with S. Chee. In Lectures on Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence, L.Chmielewski and W.Kosinski (eds.), Ossolineum, Wroclaw (1991), pages 25-46.
“Crosshole Tomography Animation in X Windows with Convex-2/RS6000 Client-Server.” In Applications of Supercomputers in Engineering, Elsevier, London (1991) pages 135-147.
"Sequential and Parallel Block-Structured Shortest-Path Ray-tracing Algorithms,” with T.-w. Yang. In Mathematical Methods in Geophysical Imaging, SPIE Volume 2033 (1993), pages 183-191.
“An Experiment of Surface Recognition by Neural Trees,” with S. Iverson, and G. Pieroni. In Computer Architectures for Machine Perception, IEEE Society Press, V. Cantoni, et. al. editors (1995), pages 443-449.
Conferences, published as Conference Proceedings
“Optimal n-line successive over relaxation.” In ACM Proceedings, (1969), pages 173-177.
“Reservoir Simulation using a general processor and an array processor in parallel.” In Society of Petroleum Engineers Second Symposium on Numerical Reservoir Simulation, (1970), Paper SPE 2813.
“Design problems in emulating the MIX computer on the Microdata 1600,” with D. Dennis. In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Workshop on Microprogramming, ACM, IEEE, (1976).
”A generalized instrumentation procedure for Concurrent Pascal systems. Proc. Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, IEEE, (1979), pages 205-208.
“A microprocessor line concentration system. with J. Pace, Proceedings Computational Software and Applications, IEEE, (1979), pages 80-85.
“Ellipsoidal sensitivity. Proc. Workshop on Validation of Computer-Based Mathematical Models in Energy Related Research and Development, NSF, (1980), pages 146-154.
“PPCG software for the CDC Cyber 205. Proceedings, International Symposium on Vector Processing Applications, Colorado State Univ. and Control Data Corp., (1982).
“3D vector forward modeling. with T. Y. Chang, Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, OTC 4510, Volume1, (1983), pages 547-554.
“A methodology to simulate visual recognition of waves in a wavefield,” with G. Pieroni, COMPINT85, IEEE (1985) pages 774-777.
“Geophysical modeling-migration viewed as a spectrum of supercomputer applications,” with O. Lhemann, Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conference, ACM-IEEE (Oct. 1986), pages 547-555.
“Optimal Scheduling Policies for Mixed Scalar-Vector Multiprocessor Supercomputers,” with Y. Liu, Proc. Supercomputing '88, IEEE, (November 1988), pages 258-263.
“Nonlinear Travel Time Tomography with Shortest Path Ray Tracing,” with T.-w. Yang and H.-w. Zhou, S.E.G. Proceeding (1991).
“3D Seismic Study of Subduction Zones Using Parallel Wave Animation,” with H-w Zhou and G.M. Chen, Proceedings American Geophysical Union, (1995), page S54.
“A Surface Reduction Algorithm which Combines Speed and Fidelity,” with L. Chen, S Huang and X. Song. In IEEE Jamcon 95, pages78-83.
“tlb_mon(): A NEC Cenju-3 Transition Lookaside Buffer,” with M. Brodowicz, Y. Park and R. Scott. In Supercomputing Asia 95, ACM-IEEE, pages 1-11.
“CLF Networks with Dynamic Attention Phase,” with G. Hernadi. In Proceedings Int. Conf. Neural networks, IEEE, (1996), pages 858-861.
“An Overview of an MPI Profiling Environment for the NEC Cenju-3,” with V. Govindan, Y. Park, X. Li, and S. Crear. In Proceedings of the Second MPI Developer's Conference, (1996), pages 185-188.
“A DSM that Cooperates with a Run-time Scheduler,” with G. Hernadi. In Proceedings Hungarian Academy of Sciences, DAPSYS `96, pages 211-212.
“Custom virtual memory policies for an image reconstruction application,” with V. Govindan, Y. Park, Z. Zhou. In Proceedings Forth International Conference on High Performance Computing, (1997), pages 517-522.
“PARADISE: An Advanced Featured Parallel File System,” with M. Brodowicz. In Proceedings International Conference on Supercomputing, (1998), pages 220-226.
“Web-based Display and Downloading of Geophysical Data,” with J.H. Chen and K.K. Sekharan. In SEG 2000 Expanded Abstracts, pages
Machine Organization and Programming - The VAX-11, textbook on assembly language programming with S. El-Asfouri and W. King, Addison-Wesley, (1984).
“IMSL's ideas on subroutine library problems.” In SIGNUM Newsletter, 6, 3, (1971), pages 10-12.
“The importance of state-of-the-art in numerical mathematics, case studies and horror stories.” In SHARE XXXVII Proceedings, (1971), pages 714-723.
.”Computers in the petroleum industry,” with D. Peaceman, D. Pope, and T. Morelock. In Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Marcel Dekker, (1979), pages 49-74.
“Advances in High Performance Processing of Seismic Data,” with E. L. Leiss. In Supercomputers in Seismic Exploration, E. Eisner ed., Pergamon Books Ltd., Oxford (1988), pages 55-80.
“Applying the X Window Animation Xf Mod to a Pinchout Model.” In University of Houston, RCL Annual Progress Review, (1990).
“Computational Techniques of Exploration Geophysics,” with E. L. Leiss. In Supercomputing Review, San Diego, CA. (September 1990), pages 34-46.
“Computer Visualization of
Transitory Seismic Phenomena.” In University of Houston Energy Laboratory
Newsletter, No. 24, Houston, TX (Spring 1990) pages 1-5.
Presentations with no Proceedings
.”A new direct approach for the state regulator problem of optimal control,” with E. Bosarge. In Actes du 6eme Congres International de Cybernetique, AIC, (1970).
“Application of new methods in optimal control to computer solutions of problems in cybernetics,” with E. Bosarge. In Actes du 6eme Congres International de Cybernetique, AIC, (1970).
Refereed Conference Posters
“Compression and Decompression of SEG-Y Files,” with K. Sathish. In IEEE Conference on Data Compression, (1993).
Technical Reports
“Recent directions in concurrent programming languages,” with J. Ramanathan. In IBM Research Report RC 8378, No. 36493, (1980).