COSC 4330 - Fundamentals of Operating Systems
2:30 - 4:00 PM, Monday and Wednesday in 110 AH (room changed).
Position | Name |
Instructor |
4 - 5 PM
4 - 6 PM
Tsung-i "Mark" Huang | tihuang at cs . uh . edu |
4 - 6 PM
591 PGH | |
4 - 5 PM
Assistant | Xiaoyin Sun | xsun at cs . uh . edu |
1 - 2 PM
531 PGH |
3 - 4:30 PM
* Additional office hours can be arranged by E-mail.
Computer Networking: A
Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Addison Wesley, 2001. ISBN: 0-201-47711-4 List price: $85 |
You don't have to buy the following books in order to pass this class. Library has at one copy for each of the following books.
Protocol Suite More in-depth discussion on TCP/IP. We will use some content from this book as a supplement. |
Networks: A Systems Approach, 2nd Edition |
Networks, 3rd Edition by Andrew S Tanenbaum Prentice Hall, 1996. ISBN: 0133499456. 848 pages. List Price: 89.00. A legendary textbook. Full of materials. Some parts might not be easy to read. |
Unix Network Programming by W. Richard Stevens Prentice Hall, 1990. ISBN: 0139498761. 772 pages. List Price: 79.00. This book was published long time ago and is still a great reference book on UNIX network programming. This book is out of print. You can find still find used ones. Or you can get the next one (new version of this book). |
Network Programming: Networking APIs: Sockets and XTI, 2nd Edition by W. Richard Stevens Prentice Hall, 1998. ISBN: 013490012X. 1240 pages. List Price: 68.00. This book also has a Vol. II. |
We will use this mailing to send out announcement. Please sign on using the following form or visit
The tentative plan for grading is as follows:
Midterm 25%Final exam 35%Written and programming assignments and quizzes 40% Total: 100%There will be one midterm and one final exam plus quizzes. No make-up exam is allowed unless there is a verifiable medical excuse, and no make-up quiz.
The projected date for midterm is March 7th. The final exam is at 2-5 PM, on Friday, May 4th.
And there will be at least 2 programming assignments and some written assignments.
If you miss a class, you are still responsible for knowing everything that took place. Your absence does not change the due date of an assignment.
Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty will receive severe punishment.Last modified: February 12, 2001.