Are you ready for the course?

Which of the following OO Languages you have more than 6 months experience:
C++ Objective-C Smalltalk Eiffel others (explain)
Which one of the above is the language of your choice in answering the questions
C++ Objective-C Smalltalk Eiffel others (explain)
List (mention) the features of object-oriented paradigm:
What notations are you familiar with for representing class relationships?
What is the difference between a class and an object?
What is Automatic Garbage Collection? Language of your choice supports it (Yes/NO)?
Yes NO
What is an Abstract Base Class?
Provide an example Abstract Base Class (code) in the language of your choice.
Mention ten most significant features you have used in the language of your choice?
Write a single line describing the significance of each feature.

The objective of this diagnostics is to measure your knowledge on the materials required to enroll and succeed in this course. Based on your performance, you are expected to decide, for yourself, about your continuation in this course.