Programming Challenge: set #4

April 8: Initial posting of this challenge. DUE in one week at 11:30pm April 15, 2021.

Code submission mechanism: Include source code (single file .c/.cpp/.py) in your submission ZIP file to Blackboard. Include your PSID and Submission ID from the on-line judge system. Your code must only read from stdin and write to stdout.

We will be compiling and running your submitted code. We may use test cases that are not given to you.

Problem 7 (20pt): Finding Strong Components

Online judge/submission link: Problem 7

Starter code: p7.cpp

Given a directed graph, output the number of strong components in the graph. The algorithm must run in linear time.

Hint: checkout the algorithm in figure 6.16 in the textbook, and the example execution in figure 6.17

Input format:
line 1: number of nodes in the graph n
line 2 to 1+n: first number is the node label; second number is the number of outgoing edges; the rest is the successor of the current node.
note: the nodes are labeled 1, 2, ..., n.

Example 1

1 1 2
2 3 3 4 5
3 1 1
4 3 1 6 8
5 1 6
6 1 7
7 1 5 
8 1 6
The graph has 3 strongly connected components. 

Example 2

1 0
2 1 4
3 1 2
4 2 3 7
5 2 4 7
6 1 5
7 2 1 6
8 2 11 5
9 2 8 6
10 1 9
11 1 10
12 1 16
13 3 2 5 12
14 2 13 7
15 2 10 14
16 1 14
The graph has 5 strongly connected components.