Consider a positive number, denoted as M. For instance, if M = 385, by swapping the first digit (3) with the second digit (8), we obtain a larger number M' = 835. Further, by swapping the second and third digits of M', we get M" = 853, which is the largest number that can be formed using the digits of M.
A) Provide a Backtracking Algorithm that for given two positive numbers, M and K, determine the highest possible number that can be obtained by performing at most K swap operations on the digits of M.
B) Provide a Backtracking Algorithm that for a given positive integer M, identify the minimum number of swaps, represented as K required to produce the maximum possible number using the digits of M.
Input: 129845 3 Output: 985241 4
Input: 129814999 2 Output: 999814921 4