COSC Software Design
Dr. Venkat Subramaniam

Is this course right for you?



Indepth knowledge of programming in Java/C++/C#/Ruby/Groovy/...(any language) is requried. This course will not teach any OOP or basics of programming. COSC 1320 or equivalent and COSC 2320 are required.

Class Schedule: This class will be a combination of a few in-class lecture and recorded sections. Students are required to attend the in-class lectures. Students can view recorded sessions from home/office. Schedule for sessions each week will be posted at least a week in advance.

First day of class: Sychronized online, details on the mailing list.
Recording: All other sessions, unless otherwise stated, will be through recordings


Grade Distribution:

93.0  <= A  < 101
90.0  <= A- < 93
86.0  <= B+ < 90
83.0  <= B  < 86
80.0  <= B- < 83
76.0  <= C+ < 80
73.0  <= C  < 76
70.0  <= C- < 73
66.0  <= D+ < 70
63.0  <= D  < 66
60.0  <= D- < 63
         F  < 60