COSC 6377 : Computer Networks

Spring 2015

MW 1-230pm at AH 110

Homework 3: HTTP vs HTTPS performance

Due: 5/4/2015

In this homework, we will learn how to measure the performance of a web server with different settings. Among settings, we will just focus on serving pages with HTTP and HTTPS.

Sign up for Amazon AWS account. Setup an Ubuntu instance (medium instance type) with Apache web server.

Configure your web server to serve over both HTTP and HTTPS. Create some binary files that are 200KB in length. This is your complete web server setup.

The client should consist of a command line tool such as wget or curl. You can run the client on the same machine as the server but we recommend running the client on a different machine.

Now that the server and client setup is ready, we are ready to perform some measurement. We want to understand the throughput offered by the server over HTTP vs HTTPS. To estimate the throughput with either protocol, you can launch as many concurrent downloads as possible using the command line clients. During your experiments, you may want to monitor system metrics such as CPU utilization to understand what the bottleneck may be.

Please create a hw3 directory in your private github repository and put all your command line tools there. Include a README describing how to use your command line tools. You should also include your analysis of throughput with those two protocols in a file called report.pdf.


Please submit this assignment to the hw3 folder in the private github respository assigned to you.