Resources Page
Lecture Notes
The purpose of providing the notes is to save student time to copy the material. You should, instead, try to understand the material. Don't skip the classes simply because you have all the slides. Attendance is required and will be counted in the grade.
Why PDF?
Some slides contain animations, but the PDF file won't show the animation. This is to encourage students to come to the classes. You will miss a lot if you simply read the pdf file.
Why password protected?
Some of the material in the notes were taken from multiple textbooks and articles. It is not possible to cite them all in the notes. Please use these files for educational purpose only and do not distribute them outside the class. Do not download and print all of them at once. They are being modified throughout the semester.
This is the only part of the site that is password protected. The instructor has created a username and password for the whole class. They will be given out during the first week of the class.
Link to Lecture Notes Page.