[Assignment | Exam | Grade ]
Mark Huang will be in Monday 2 - 4:30 PM. If you want to see your final exam, please find him in 591 PGH or 547 PGH (he might work on upgrading Networking lab).
Okay. The grading for final is over. You can check your grade here. We are not going to post letter grade, so please check VIP or email Mark Huang at tihuang at cs . uh . edu to get your letter grade if it's urgent. If you want to look at your final exam, Mark Huang will be in 2 - 5 PM, Wed., Dec. 13.Dr. Subhlok will be away for a month. Please contact Mark Huang if you have question regarding your grade or this course.
Wish you a great winter break and happy holiday.
If you see "*" in your grade for assignment #4, please come by this afternoon (2 - 5 PM) to see TA to demo your program or resolve some problems with your assignment. If you don't show up, TA will grade it as is. If you can't come, please contact TA (xjiang at cs . uh . edu) to find an alternative plan.
Grades for Assignment #4 have been added to grade sheet.TA will maintain her office hours this Thursday (12/07). If you have question regarding your assignments, please send her an e-mail and let her know you are coming. And this is likely your last chance to meet TA for the semester.
TA sent me updated grade sheet reflecting changes made to assignment #2. Please check for any error.
TA couldn't come to her office hours today due to car problem. She will be in next Monday (Dec. 4) 2 - 5 PM. Send her an e-mail and let her you are coming.
The syllabus of final exam is posted. Dr. Subhlok will keep his Monday office hours next week, but not necessary on Tu/Th office hours. Mark Huang will keep his Monday and Wednesday office hours next week.Please check your grade and report any any mistake. We will use that to calculate your final grade.
FAQ for assignment #4 has been updated. And please read "How to Submit" section for latest instruction. Please note that you don't need to turn in a hard copy of your README.txt, since we had changed deadline to Friday and no one will come to school on Friday or this weekend to collect your printout.
PDF file for Chapter 5a is posted.
Assignment No 4 can be submitted until noon Friday, Nov 24 without penalty. Submissions after that will be penalized 20 points (out of 200). No submission will be accepted after noon, Monday, Nov 27.Sorry. Last night I accidently overwrote this page with COSC 6377 project page. I will try to recover it as much as I can. If you had a printout of this page on Nov. 14, 15 or 16, please bring it to class so I can recover from it. Thanks.
- Syllabus - General Information (instructor names, textbook, grading policy, etc.) (last update: 09/06/2000)
Practice problems:
For PDF, you will need
Acrobat or
Acrobat Reader from Adobe.
Last modified: December 16, 2000.
60-minute exam, closed book/notes; basically cover chapter 1 and 2
(excludes 1.9 and 2.6 - 2.8).
Practice problems:
60-minute exam, closed book/note; basically cover chapter 3 to 4.3.
Practice problems:
Comprehensive. Open book / notes. 100+ points. Should be less than
2 hours. Type of questions is toward problem solving which is
similar to Midterm #2 (in respect to fact-oriented questions in
Midterm #1). Material after Midterm #2 weights about 1/3.
A word of advice:
Although it's an open book exam, you should prepare the exam as it's
a closed book one. You won't have time to study and look for answers
in books during exam.
Overhead Slides
For Powerpoint, you will need PowerPoint 97/2000 or
PowerPoint 97 Viewer
to view/print the following overhead slides.