COSC 6368 --- Artificial Intelligence Fall 2016 ( Dr. Eick )

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Basic Course Information

2016 COSC 6368 Syllabus
Tentative COSC 6368 Teaching Plan for 2016
class meets: TU/TH 2:30-4p
class room: CAM 101
Instructor: Dr. Christoph F. Eick
office hours (573 PGH): TU 4-4:45p TH 12:45-2p
TA: Nguyen Pham
TA office hour: TU 12:30-1:30p TH 4-5p
TA office: 350 PGH
Nguyen Pham COSC 6368 webpage
cancelled classes: none at the moment
makeup classes: none at the moment
lectures taught by others: Nguyen Pham will dicuss Multi-Layer Neural Networks on Tu., November 1, and give a brief Overview of Deep Learning on Th., November 3, 2016 while Dr. Eick is attending the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS Conference in San Francisco.

Topics Covered in COSC 6368

The course will give an introduction to AI and it will cover Problem Solving (covering chapter 3, 4 in part, 5, and 6 in part, centering on uninformed and informed search , adversarial search and games, A*, alpha-beta search, evolutionary computing, game theory (chapter 17 and other matrial), and constraint satisfaction problems, discussion course Project 1)), Planning(covering chapters 10 and 11 in part), Learning (covering learning from examples (chapter 18), deep learning (extra material) and reinforcement learning (chapter 21, chapter17 in part;), Discussion Project2), Reasoning and Learning in Uncertain Environments (covers chapters 13, 14, 15 in part, and 20 in part, centering on “basics” in probabilistic reasoning, naïve Bayesian approaches, belief networks and hidden markov models (HMM)) and might, if enough time might briefly discuss Robotics, Philosophical Foundations of AI. The course will cover Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, and might—if enough time—partially cover Chapters 25, and 26 of the Stuart Russel & Peter Norvig book.

Course Materials

Required Text:
S. Russell and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach, Third Edition,
Prentice Hall/Allyn&Bacon, 2010,
Link to Textbook Homepage.

2016 Course Elements and their Weights

There will be a midterm exam and a final exam; 2 medium-sized course projects that require some programming that centering on heuristic seach/games and reinforcement learning (you can use any programming language for these projects), and 2 graded homeworks (which contain paper and pencil problems and simple exercises which give you some exposure to particular AI tools). The second homework will likely be a group homework. Moreover, each student will give a short presentation.

The tentative 2016 weights of the course elements are: Midterm Exam:24%, Final Exam:30%, Course Project1:17%, Course Project2:13-14%, Homeworks:9-10% (4%+5-6%), Short Presentation:4%, Attendance:2%.

COSC 6368: Important Dates for 2016

October 6: Deadline Course Project1
October 17: Deadline Homework1
October 18: Review for Midterm Exam
October 25: Midterm Exam
November 19: Deadline Course Project2
December 1: Deadline Homework2 Problems 1-5
December 1: Review for Final Exam (last lecture)
December 3: Deadline Homework2 Problem 6
Th., December 8, 2p: Final Exam

News COSC 6368 Fall 2016