CS3371> Class Planner
Class Planner
Week | Date | Lecture Topics | Notes |
1 | 01/13 |
(First Day of Class) About the course, Lec 1: Introduction to Cybersecurity (pp. 1-46) | |
1 | 01/15 |
Lecture 2: Introduction to Cryptography (pp. 1-40) | |
2 | 01/20 |
MLK Holiday (No class) | |
2 | 01/22 |
Campus closed for weather condition | |
3 | 01/27 |
Lecture 2 (pp.41-51), Lecture 3: Stream Ciphers (pp. 1-33) | |
3 | 01/29 |
Lecure 3: (pp. 34-52), Lecture 4: Block Ciphers (pp. 1-33) | |
4 | 02/03 |
Lecture 4: (pp. 34-60), Lecture 5: Modes of Operation (pp. 1-31) | |
4 | 02/05 |
Lecture 5: (pp. 32-49), Lecture 6: Public Key Encryption (pp. 1-17) | |
5 | 02/10 |
Lecture 6: (pp. 18-49), Letcure 7: Hash Functions (pp. 1-27) | |
5 | 02/12 |
Lecture 7: pp. 28-45, Lecture 8: Integrity (pp.1-39) | |
6 | 02/17 |
Lecture 8 (pp. 39-55), Lecture 9: Key Distribution (pp.1-20) | HWK1 and HWK2 assigned. |
6 | 02/19 |
Lecture 9: Key Distribution (pp.21-31), Lecture 10: Public Key Distribution (pp. 1-14) | |
7 | 02/24 |
Lecture 10: Public Key Distribution (pp. 15-36). Lecture 11: Wi-Fi Security (pp. 1-15) | |
7 | 02/26 |
Lecture 11: Wi-Fi Security (pp. 15-45), Lecture 13: IP Security (pp.1-4) | |
8 | 03/03 |
Mid-Term Exam (Everything before Wi-Fi) | |
8 | 03/05 |
Lecture 13: IP Security (pp.5-50), Lecture 14 Transport-Level Security (pp. 1-4) | |
9 | 03/10 |
Springbreak | |
9 | 03/15 |
Springbreak | |
10 | 03/17 |
Lecture 14 Transport-Level Security (pp. 4-45?) | |
10 | 03/19 |
11 | 03/24 |
11 | 03/26 |
12 | 03/31 |
12 | 04/02 |
13 | 04/07 |
13 | 04/09 |
No Class (travel to a conference), Reading assignment | (Travel day) No office hours for the whole week. |
14 | 04/14 |
14 | 04/16 |
15 | 04/21 |
15 | 04/23 |
16 | 04/28 |
(Last Day of Class) | |
16 | 04/30 |
No Class | |
17 | 05/05 |
Final Exam, 2:00-4:00 PM |
This schedule is subject to change.
The page number referes to the slide number. "?" is my estimation. It will convert to the actual page number after the class.