CS3371 > TAs
Teaching Assistants
TA Information Name Office CourgarNet IDMrs. Yang Lu PGH-536ylu17@central.uh.edu ylu17@cougarnet.uh.edu Mr. Yuan Tian PGH-344ytian14@uh.edu ytian23@CougarNet.UH.EDU Office Hours:
Name Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Stephen Huang 4:00-5:00 PGH-2194:00-5:00 Zoom
4:00-5:00 PGH-2194:00-5:00 Zoom
Yang Lu2:00-4:00 PGH-536
2:00-4:00 PGH-536 Yuan Tian 11:00-12:00 Teams
1:00-2:00 PGH-344
For the instructor, Dr. Huang will use the Zoom link (https://uh-edu-cougarnet.zoom.us/j/93607294920) to meet students on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Monday and Wednesday hours are face-to-face.