Assignment Page
Grading Policy for Programming Assignments:
- Honesty Policy: Every assignment must be the work of each indivisual student. No one should copy code from other students or from any sources such as the Internet. Violation of the academic honesty policy will result in serious punishment. Students who knowingly share code (such as by email your program, giving a hardcopy, or allowing other students to view your program on the screen) with other students will also be punished. There are software tools available to check such violations.
- Minimum Programming Grade: Programming Assignments are an integral part of this course. You are required to get at least 60% on the programming grade in order to pass this course.
- Grading: Each assignment is worth 100 points. The quality of the program depends on the correctness, efficiency, style, etc.
- What to submit: Send an electronic copy of your .cpp file as attachment (using file name such as LastName-3.cpp for assignment 3). You may add an initials if there are two students with the same last name. Bring a hard copy to the class at 2:30 on the due date.
- Where to submit: E-mail it to the TA at the email published on the web.
- When to submit: By 2:00pm (not 2:30pm, to ensure you have enough time to save the program and get to the class) of the due date.
- Late Policy: There will be a 10% late penalty up to 2 days , 20% for 5 days, and 40% for 7 days. You are encouraged to complete all assignment even if late for more than a week. Penalty will be determine individually. Ocassionally, the deadline may be extended. Please check the table below for such extension.
Assignments and Due Dates: