Lab & Computer Account

The Lab

There is a required lab associated with the course. The attendance of the lectures and the lab sessions are mandatory. The Lab is located at 376-PGH (third floor, Philips G. Hoffman Building). The lab will be available for student use when there is no class scheduled.  There should be a schedule posted on the door.

The Computer

The lab is equipped with PCs for student use and you will need an account to use the computer.  (Sorry, another password to remember.)  Our system administrator will get a list of all students taking this class and create accounts for the students. This is done right before the semester begins. So if you add this course late, you may not have an account immediately.

The Account

The labs (both on the 3rd and 5th floor of PGH) uses a different username and password. The password is the same as the username. The username consists of 3 parts concatenated: your PeopleSoft ID without the leading zeros, the initial of your last name, and the initial of your first name.

A student named Chad Peoples with psid of 1234567 becomes:

username:  1234567
password:  1234567PC

Then it is forever defined.


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