Title: Introduction to Computer Science I
Course Number: COSC 1410
Section Number: 14154
Instructor: Stephen Huang, 594-PGH, Email: shuang @ cs. uh. edu, 713-743-3338
Office Hours: Monday and Thursday 1:00-2:30pm;
and by appointment
Class Room: 232-PGH
Credit: Cr. 4. (3-3)
Teaching Assistants: See TA and Office Hours pages.
Course Website: http://www.cs.uh.edu/~acl/cs1410/
Prerequisites: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1431.
Description: Computer organization, structured procedural programming, C/C++ programming language, algorithm design, and a short introduction to object-oriented programming. A more detail list of topics covered in this course can be found in the course outline below.
Textbook: Walter J. Savitch, "Absolute C++," latest ed. Addison-Wesley.
Attendance: Attendance is required for both the lectures and the labs. A portion of your grade will depend on your attendance.
Grading: (Tentative, Subject to change)
Programming Assignment (~30%); 2 Tests (~35%); Final Exam (~30%); Attendance (~5%). You may fail the course without completing at least 60% of the programming assignment.
Academic Honesty: You are expected to maintain the utmost level of academic integrity in the course. Any violation of the code will be penalized severely. You are not allowed to collaborate on the homework assignments except for discussing the assignment with other students in the class and the Labs. You are not allowed to share code or any other written or electronic) material.