This is a selection of my papers and technical reports which
are potentially of broad interest. If you
looking for a specific paper not on this list, or need more detailed
information on these topics, please contact me at
And a technical note. Some of the older postscript files may appear
corrupted on some viewers and printers. Please contact me if you have
Reverse Chronological Order (aka
New Stuff First)
- Hien Nguyen, Eshwar Pedamallu, Jaspal Subhlok, Edgar Gabriel,
Qian Wang, Margaret S. Cheung and and David Anderson, 'An Execution
Environment for Robust Parallel Computing on Volunteer PC Grids', Proceedings of the The
International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2012), Pittsburgh, PA, Sep 2012. pdf
- T
Tuna, J Subhlok, L Barker, V Varghese, O Johnson, S Shah, 'Development
and Evaluation of Indexed Captioned Searchable Videos for STEM
Coursework', Proceedings of the 43rd ACM technical symposium on
Computer Science Education, Raleigh, North Carolina, March 2012. pdf, talk.
- G Nandagudi, J Subhlok, E Gabriel, J. Gimenez, 'Estimation of MPI
Application Performance on VolunteerEnvironments', (Presented
at Heteropar 2011 Workshop at Euro-Par 2011 Bordeaux,
France, August 2011.) Proceedings of the workshops of the 17th
International Conference on Parallel Computing, Euro-Par 2011. Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science Vol. 7155. 2012. pdf talk.
- Tayfun
Tuna, Jaspal Subhlok, Shishir Shah, 'Indexing and
Search to Ease Navigation in Lecture Videos', 2011
IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop, Washington, DC, Oct
2011. pdf, talk
- Eshwar Rohit, Hien Nguyen, Nagarajan Kanna, Jaspal Subhlok, Edgar
Gabriel, Qian Wang, Margaret S. Cheung, and David Anderson, 'A Robust
Communication Framework for Parallel Execution on Volunteer PC Grids',
The 11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid
Computing , Newport Beach, CA, May 2011. pdf
- Rakhi Anand, Edgar
Gabriel and Jaspal Subhlok, 'Communication Target Selection for
Replicated MPI Processes', In Proc. The 17th
EuroPVM/MPI 2010 Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, Sep 2010. pdf
- Qiang.Xu, Jaspal Subhlok, and Nathaniel Hammen, Efficient Discovery of Loop Nests in
Execution Traces, The 18th Annual Meeting of the IEEE
International Symposium on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Computer
and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2010), Miama, Florida,
June, 2010. pdf talk
- T. Leblanc, J. Subhlok, and E. Gabriel, A High-Level Interpreted MPI Library
for Parallel Computing in Volunteer Environments. 4th
Workshop on Desktop Grids and Volunteer Computing Systems (PCGrid
2010), Melbourne, Australia, May 2010. pdf
- N. Kanna, J. Subhlok, E. Gabriel, E. Rohit, and D. Anderson, A Communication Framework for
Fault-tolerant Parallel Execution.The 22nd International
Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel
Computing Newark, Delaware, Oct
2009 pdf talk
- Q. Xu, J. Subhlok, S. Voss, and R.Zheng, Logicalization of Communication Traces
from Parallel Execution, 2009 IEEE International Symposium on
Characterization, Austin, TX, Oct 2009. pdf talk
- T. LeBlanc, R. Anand, E. Gabriel, and J. Subhlok. VolpexMPI: an MPI Library for Execution of
Parallel Applications on Volatile Nodes. In Proc. The 16th
EuroPVM/MPI 2009 Conference, Espoo, Finland, 2009. Published as
Springer-Verlag LNCS,5759. pdf talk
- Q. Xu and J. Subhlok, Construction and Evaluation of Coordinated
Performance Skeletons, The 15th annual IEEE International Conference on
High Performance Computing (HiPC 2008), Bangalore, India, December
2008. Published as Springer-Verlag LNCS 5374, pp 73-86.
pdf talk
Subhlok., Construction and Evaluation of
Performance Skeletons, Technical Report UH-CS-08-09, University of
Houston, May 2008 pdf )
- Q. Xu, J. Subhlok, R. Zheng, and S. Voss, Logicalization of MPI
communication traces, Supercomputing 2008, Austin, TX, Nov 2008. pdf
(Poster submission)
- Q. Xu and J. Subhlok., Efficient discovery of loop nests in
communication traces of parallel programs, Technical Report
UH-CS-08-08, University of Houston, May 2008 pdf
- Q. Xu, R. Prithivathi, J. Subhlok, and R.Zheng, Logicalization of
communication traces, Technical Report UH-CS-08-07, University of
Houston, May 2008 pdf
- J. Subhlok and Q, Xu, Automatic Construction of Coordinated
Performance Skeletons, The NSF Next Generation Software Workshop at
IPDPS 2008, Miami, FL, April 2008, pdf slides
- K. Leigh, P. Ranganathan and J. Subhlok, Fabric Convergence
Implications on Systems Architecture, The 14th International Symposium
on High-Performance Computer Architecture, (Industrial Session), Salt
Lake City, UT, Feb 2008 pdf
- S. Sodhi, Q. Xu and J. Subhlok, Performance
Skeletons, Cluster Computing: The Journal of
Networks, Software Tools and Applications, Volume 11, No 2/June 2008. Source pdf
- A. Ali, L. Johnsson, and J. Subhlok, Scheduling FFT Computations on SMP and
Multicore Systems,
21st ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, Seattle, WA, June
2007. pdf
- K. Leigh, P. Ranganathan and J. Subhlok. General-purpose blade infrastructure for
configurable system architectures, Distributed and
Parallel Databases, Volume 21, Numbers 2-3 / June 2007, Source
, pdf
- J. Subhlok, O. Johnson V. Subramaniam R.
Vilalta and C. Yun, Tablet PC Video
based Hybrid Coursework in Computer Science: Report from a Pilot
Project , SIGCSE 2007: The 38th ACM Technical Symposium
on Computer Science Education, Covington, Kentucky, March 2007. pdf
- J. Subhlok, O. Johnson, V. Subramaniam, R. Vilalta, and C. Yun,
Experience With Tablet PC Video Based Hybrid Coursework in Computer
Science, Technical Report UH-CS-06-12, University of
Houston, pdf
- D. Vyas and J. Subhlok, Volunteer
12th Workshop
on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, Saint Malo,
France, June 2006. pdf , talk
- Q. Xu and J. Subhlok, Automatic
6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop
on Grid Computing, Seattle, WA, Nov 2005. pdf , powerpoint
- M. Ghanesh, S. Kumar and J. Subhlok, Empirical Evaluation of Shared Parallel
Execution on Independently Scheduled Clusters, 1st
International Workshop on Grid Performability at CCGRID 2005:
The IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid,
Cardiff, Wales, May 2005. pdf
- T. Huang and J. Subhlok, Fast
Pattern-Based Throughput Prediction for TCP Bulk Transfers, Grids
IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid,
Cardiff, Wales, May 2005. pdf
- S. Sodhi and J. Subhlok, Automatic
Skeletons , 19th
International Parallel
and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2005), Denver, CO, April
2005. abstract
, pdf
- A. Toomula and J. Subhlok, Replicating
Prediction, LCR 2004: The
Seventh Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-time Support
for Scalable Systems. Houston, TX, Oct 2004. pdf , powerpoint
- S. Sodhi and J. Subhlok, Skeleton
Grids and
Advanced Networks Workshop (GAN'04) at CCGRID 2004:
The IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid,
Chicago, IL, April 2004. abstract
- S. Venkataramaiah and J. Subhlok , Performance Estimation
for Scheduling on Shared Networks, 9th Workshop on Job Scheduling
Strategies for Parallel Processing, Seattle, WA, June 2003. pdf , postscript
, powerpoint
- S. Goteti and J. Subhlok, Communication Pattern Based
Selection for Shared Networks, Autonomic Computing Workshop: The
Annual International Workshop on Active Middleware Services (AMS 2003),
Seattle, WA, June, 2003. abstract
, pdf
, postscript
, powerpoint
- M. Zu and J. Subhlok, Home Based Cooperative Web Caching,
Seventh Multi-Conference on Systemics,
and Informatics, Orlando, FL, July 2003. pdf
- P. Desai and J. Subhlok. An Adaptive Hierarchy
Management System for Web Caches, The 4th International
on Internet Computing, Las Vegas, NV, June 2003. pdf
, postscript
, powerpoint
- P. Du and J. Subhlok. Evaluation of Performance
of Cooperative Web Caching with Web Polygraph, 7th International
Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution, Boulder, CO,
July 2002. pdf
, postscript
- A. Singh and J. Subhlok, Reconstruction of Application Layer
Message Sequences by Network Monitoring, IASTED International
Conference on Communications and Computer Networks 2002, Cambridge, MA,
November 2002 pdf
, powerpoint
- S. Venkataramaiah and J. Subhlok Performance Prediction for
Simple CPU and Network Sharing, LACSI Symposium 2002, Santa Fe, New
Mexico, October 2002. pdf , postscript
, powerpoint
- J. Subhlok, S. Venkataramaiah and A. Singh Characterizing
NAS Benchmark Performance on Shared Heterogeneous Networks. 11th
Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, (HCW '02), held with IPDPS '02,
Fort Lauderdale, April 2002. pdfabstract
, pdf
, postscript
, powerpoint
- J. Subhlok and P.Steenkiste Airshed Pollution Modeling in an
HPF Style Environment . Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing, June 2000. abstract ,
- J. Subhlok and G. Vondran Optimal Use of Mixed Task
and Data Parallelism for Pipelined Computations . Journal
of Parallel and Distributed Computing, March 2000 abstract
, postscript
- B. Lowekamp, N. Miller, T. Gross, P. Steenkiste, J. Subhlok and
D. Sutherland A Resource Query Interface for Network-Aware
Applications . In Cluster Computing 1999(2) , Baltzer Science
Publishers. abstract
, postscript
- J. Subhlok, P. Lieu and B. Lowekamp Automatic Node Selection
for High Performance Applications on Networks. In Proc. of the
Seventh ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel
Programming, Atlanta, GA, May 1999. abstract
, postscript
- T. Gross, P. Steenkiste and J. Subhlok Adaptive Distributed
Applications on Heterogeneous Networks Invited paper at the 8th
Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, (HCW '99), held with IPPS/SPDP '99,
Puerto Rico, April 1999. abstract ,
- B. Lowekamp, N. Miller, D. Sutherland, T. Gross, P. Steenkiste
and J. Subhlok A Resource Query Interface for Network-Aware
Applications In Proc. of the 7th International Symposium on
High-Performance Distributed Computing abstract ,
- J. Subhlok, P. Steenkiste, J. Stichnoth and P. Lieu Airshed
Pollution Modeling: A Case Study in Application Development in an
HPF Environment . In Proc. of the 12th International Parallel
Processing Symposium and 9th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing abstract
, postscript
- T. Suzuoka, J. Subhlok and T. Gross A Performance Debugging
Tool for High Performance Fortran Programs. Concurrency: Practice
and Experience, Vol.9(10),927-945,(October 1997) abstract ,
- J. Subhlok, and B. Yang A new model for integrated nested
task and data parallel programming. In Proc. of the Sixth ACM
SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming,
Las Vegas, NV, June 1997. abstract
, postscript
- J. Subhlok, T. Gross and T.Suzuoka. Impact of Job Mix on
Optimizations for Space Sharing Schedulers . In Proc.
Supercomputing '96, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov 96. abstract
, postscript
. html
- J. Subhlok, and G. Vondran. Optimal Latency-Throughput
Tradeoffs for Data Parallel Pipelines. In Proc. Eighth Annual ACM
Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architecture (SPAA), Padua, Italy,
June 1996. abstract
, (postscript
postscript .
- D. O'Hallaron, J. Webb, J. Subhlok. Performance Issues for
Sensor-Based HPF Programs. To appear in Scientific Programming,
Special Issue on HPF Implementations, 1996. abstract ,
- P. Dinda, D. O'Hallaron, J. Subhlok, J. Webb, B. Yang, Language
In Proc 8th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for
Computing (LCPC95) abstract
, postscript
- J. Subhlok, and G. Vondran. Optimal Mapping of Sequences of
Data Parallel Tasks. In Proc. of the Fifth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on
Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, Santa Barbara, CA,
July, 1995, pp. 134-143. abstract
, postscript
- J. Subhlok and K. Kennedy. Integer Programming for Array
Subscript Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems June, 1995, pp. 662-668. abstract ,
- T. Suzuoka, J. Subhlok, and T. Gross. Performance Debugging
based on Scalability Analysis, In Proc. 5th Symposium on the
Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, McLean, VA, February,
1995, pp.
406-413. abstract
, postscript
- T. Gross, D. O'Hallaron, and J. Subhlok. Task parallelism in
a High Performance Fortran framework. IEEE Parallel &
Distributed Technology, vol 2, no 2, pp 16-26. abstract ,
- J. Subhlok, D. O'Hallaron, T. Gross, P. Dinda, J. Webb, Communication
task and data parallel programs . In Proc. Supercomputing '94,
Washington, DC, Nov. 1994, pp. 330-339.
abstract , postscript
- J. Subhlok, J. Stichnoth, D. O'Hallaron, and T. Gross, Exploiting
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice
of Parallel Programming, San Diego, CA, May, 1993, pp 13-22. abstract
, postscript
- H. T. Kung and J. Subhlok. A new approach for automatic
parallelization of blocked linear algebra computations. In
Proceedings of Supercomputing '91, pages 122-129, Albuquerque, NM,
November 1991. abstract
. postscript
- D. Callahan, K. Kennedy and J. Subhlok. Analysis of
synchronization in a parallel programming tool. Proceedings of
the 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel
Programming, Seattle, WA, Mar, 90. abstract
. postscript
- D. Callahan and J. Subhlok. Static analysis of low level
synchronization. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS Workshop on
Parallel and Distributed Debugging, Madison, WI, May 88.
- M. Zu and J. Subhlok, Home Based Cooperative Web Caching,
Seventh Multi-Conference on Systemics,
and Informatics, Orlando, FL, July 2003. pdf
- P. Desai and J. Subhlok. An Adaptive Hierarchy
Management System for Web Caches, The 4th International
on Internet Computing, Las Vegas, NV, June 2003. pdf
, postscript
, powerpoint
- P. Du and J. Subhlok. Evaluation of Performance
of Cooperative Web Caching with Web Polygraph, 7th International
Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution, Boulder, CO,
July 2002. pdf
, postscript
Older Tech Reports
- T. DeWitt, T. Gross, B. Lowekamp, N. Miller, P. Steenkiste, J.
Subhlok and D. Sutherland ReMoS: A Resource Monitoring System
for Network-Aware Applications, Technical Report CMU-CS-97-194,
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Dec, 97.
abstract , postscript
- T. Suzuoka, J. Subhlok, and T. Gross Evaluating job
scheduling techniques for highly parallel computers, Technical
Report CMU-CS-95-149, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon
Aug, 95.
abstract , postscript
- P. Dinda, T. Gross, D. O'Hallaron, E. Segall, J. Stichnoth, J.
Subhlok, J. Webb, and B. Yang, The CMU task parallel program
suite , Technical Report CMU-CS-94-131, School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University, March, 1994.
abstract , postscript
- J. Subhlok Solving integer programs from dependence
and synchronization problems , Technical Report CMU-CS-93-130,
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, March, 93.
abstract , postscript